
日期: 浏览:2

2019-04-29 06:08 | 浙江新闻客户端 | 通讯员 周华诚





























The Hot Essence of

Changshan Cuisine

I am a native of Changshan, a county of mountains and cuisine of hot food in the west of Zhejiang. My ancestral roots and upbringing in the mountainous county explain why I prefer special hot dishes with Changshancharacteristics. Sichuan and many other provinces in other parts of China are famous for hot dishes in their cuisines, but the hot dishes in Changshan are different.

In making hot dishes, Sichuan feature spiciness, Hubei tastes dry and hot, Jiangxi is fragrant and hot, Hunan is violently hot, Guizhou and Yunnan tend to be sourly hot, and Northeast China prefers to be slightly bitter and hot. Changsha's hotness is yummy.



Natives agree with each other that the hot dishes of Changshan are the best in the world and they are prejudiced against all other hot dishes in the other parts of the world in a highly subjective way. The cuisine of Changshan has helped shaped and conditioned and trained their worldviews as well as their taste buds.

My taste buds are irrevocably conditioned by the childhood years I spent there. Then I left Changshan for the outside world. Whenever I am back in Changshan nowadays, I always take my favorite food one by one on the first few days as if I were trying to rediscover myself and my birthplace.

The burning sensation of hot noodles and hot cakes, for example, brings out teardrops and sweat drops, confirming I am really home and home is more than a distant memory space or time. What else could touch my soul deeper than does the chili ebullience in my hometown?

As nowadays I am back in Changshan essentially for the traditional Chinese New Year, the family reunion banquet on the eve of the Spring Festival is the only chance I have for a full range of local cuisine. As other parts of Zhejiang offer different styles for this special banquet, Changshan is best known for its vehement pursuit of color and taste.



Most ingredients are from local mountains: mushrooms, fruits, fish netted from mountain creeks, ducks and chickens raised in mountains, bamboo shoots. In the past, wild boars and rabbits, and muntjak occasionally, were available on market during the Spring Festival. Nowadays, hunting is banned and no one sees wild animals on the market anymore.

Fish is a must for the year-end banquet in Changshan, but in the past, it wasn’t affordable for most local families. Only landlords were able to enjoy a dish of real fish. Some local people put a wood fish on the dinner table for the purpose of auspiciousness. Nowadays, fish is widely available for local people. It was not until the mid1990s that seafood began to find its way into Changshan.

Home residents spent a long time learning how to cook sea crabs, shrimps, and cuttlefish. Of course, red chili is the only way to tame exotic seafood and make it in Changshan style.

As time goes on, local people have changed a little bit about the chilly style. Nowadays, they have learned to enjoy the original tastes of seafood and bamboo, for example. The soup of yellow croaker and bamboo shoots, prepared with no chili at all, is very popular in Changshan.

The hairy crab, nowadays, is made available in Changshan, and local residents have learned to enjoy the delicacy cooked in its original flavor, that is, without chili. In celebration of the Spring Festival, the hairy crab is a big treat for both children and for visiting relatives.

After all, the change is attributed to the opening up to the outside world as Changshan is now connected to the outside through a network of highroads and it makes people and goods travel with the greatest ease. The local cuisine has changed a great deal if compared to what it was twenty years ago, let alone before 1949, the year when the People’s Republic of China was born. Part of the change happens largely because local people are no longer confined toChangshan alone.



In my family, some children were born beyond Changshan are growing up eating something other than the local cuisine. When we are back home, food on the table isn’t very hot at all. After all, some of us were not born with chili.

Eight Treasures, a dish of eight vegetables, remains unchanged and remains popular in Changshan, especially during the Spring Festival. It is on the table at every household. It is served in a huge bowl of vegetables of more than 4 kilograms. As soon as it is gulped down in a couple of days, a new bowl of Eight Treasures will be cooked.

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